My Story Shelf
I decided to ask
What if I had a
story shelf
With lots of
little figurines
Each one to
Some memory or
They would tell
my life story
On that shelf
I'd hide away
In figures made
of wood or clay
I'd be told in
motionless expression
A dragon - my
favorite creature
A ballerina for
an impossible future
A book to show
my greatest passion
On my story
I'd be able to
show myself
Without ever
It'd be like a
silent meaning
In those
Made of solid or
delicate means
My very own
visual book
Come on in and
take a look
And on my story
shelf you'd find
Some animals - a
leopard, leaping high
All the things
that I think mean me
A feather quill
to show my favorite thing
I wish I could
spend all of my time writing
These are all
the things you can see
What about the
love I share
How can you know
if I even care
Can you see love
in the air
And how about
the joy I feel
When I'm with
the God I know is real
How I just got
over some ordeal
On my story
I'd be able to
show myself
Without ever
It'd be like a
silent meaning
In those
Made of solid or
delicate means
My very own
visual book
Come on in and
take a look
This is my story
It tells all
about me
In my
inside-inmost self
I should
convince everyone else
To get
themselves their very own story shelf
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